Henry O. Hernandez, Jr. currently serves on the advisory board for the technology-based media conglomerate, Latin-e, that is targeting the Hispanic Market. Henry has in-depth professional experience that includes corporate development, marketing, and strategic planning in corporate and consulting roles. He has served as a senior management consultant advising small businesses and corporate business unit startups. He has provided guidance on development of their strategic plans, market development and business strategies. His engagements have also supported technology firms seeking seed funding and strategies to grow their business.
Henry is co-founder and first President of the National Society of Hispanic MBAs (NSHMBA). Henry’s past recognition by NSHMBA includes first Ultimate Hispanic Executive, Executive Circle Inductee, and first recipient of the NSHMBA Brillante Award for Member Service. Recognized for his contributions by NSHMBA chapters, he recently received a Lifetime Achievement Award by the Philadelphia NSHMBA Chapter. He continues to be an advocate for greater senior executive and board level representation of Hispanics in corporate and non-profit sectors. His NSHMBA legacy continues as he currently serves as an ambassador for Prospanica – Association of Hispanic Professionals (formerly known as NSHMBA) that in 2018 celebrated the 30th anniversary of the founding of NSHMBA.
Henry holds a BA degree in Mechanical Engineering from Rice University and MBA from the UCLA Anderson School of Management. He is married to Sheela Bhaskaran and has three sons, Henry III, James Luis, and Michael John.